Monday, April 30, 2007

hot pad

This one I tried to copy from one that I got . I use this for my Feb. exchanges. I t could be used for a wedding gift to.
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rose doily

I made this for a pair of pillow cases and it was to big . This is a pattern from the early fifties. Mom made me a set for my wedding shower. I try and do this for a wedding gift to couples that are great friends and some family members. It is on my end table now .
This is on my living room chair back I make the name signs for wedding gift's also . I had this in my booth for sale but nobody wanted it. So I'm using it.
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Tote bag

This is a tote bag that came about by accident . I got two balls of yarn form MM and these two squares is all it would make and the balls were very costly. When one of my exchange partners sent me a square to match I used it as the eye glass holder.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'm Arlette and here are a few of the things I do .I started crocheting when I was a young girl. Mom taught both me and my sister. Mom and sis like to do big stuff like tablecloths bedspreads. Me I like to do things you can finish in a little while.I hope you enjoy seeing some of my crochet projects. I hope to put a tablecloth I'm finishing for my niece. Sis could not finish it.
I do genealogy also. I like finding who my ancesters where. I'm from the central part of Ill. If there are any one from Peoria, Seville, and Macomb or that general area let me hear from.
I'm married to a wonderful man for 48 years. Have 4 childern 2 boys and 2 girls in that order . Now have 4 grand-daughters .

My husband and I also do WBS on the internet. That is something we share together and enjoy it very much.